Journeying Together Through Lent

By Lionel Pye, Pastor, Campbellford Baptist Church

As pastor at Campbellford Baptist Church, I have been privileged to witness the profound impact of our Lenten Lessons over the years. These gatherings hold a special place in the hearts of our congregation, serving as a spiritual journey that deepens our understanding of Christ’s sacrifice.

For over two decades, we’ve faithfully observed Lenten Lessons, commencing each year on Ash Wednesday and continuing each week until the Wednesday of Passion Week. Our gatherings aren’t just about sermonizing; they’re about fellowship and communal reflection. We gather at 11:45 am to share in a meal of soup and sandwiches, lovingly provided by members of our church family. It’s a simple yet meaningful act of service that sets the tone for our time together.

At 12:30pm, we transition into the sanctuary for the main event. Our service begins with a heartfelt hymn and prayer, setting the stage for the Lenten Lesson. For the majority of these 23 years, Reverend George Budd has been our guide, offering insights into scripture and leading us through moments of contemplation and prayer.

Though the challenges of COVID interrupted our gatherings, we resumed our Lenten Lessons in 2023 with renewed vigour. This year, beginning on February 14th, our Senior and Associate Pastors are leading us through the journey.

Our doors are open to all, and we’ve seen our attendance steadily grow over the years. From humble beginnings with 29 attendees in 1999 to an average of 40 last year, each Lenten season brings new faces seeking spiritual nourishment. And there have been standout years, like the one where our average attendance was 82 people!

As we start our 2024 Lenten journey, our hearts are fixed on the Cross. Our theme, centered around the Words of Affection spoken by Jesus to His mother Mary and His beloved disciple John, as well as His cry of Anguish on the Cross, draws us closer to the heart of Christ’s sacrifice. These themes serve as poignant reminders of the depth of Christ’s love and the weight of His sacrifice, guiding us towards the hope of Resurrection Sunday.

The Lenten lessons are more than just a series of sermons; they’re a cornerstone of our faith journey, grounding us in the reality of Christ’s suffering and pointing us towards the joy of His resurrection. It’s a privilege to walk this path alongside our congregation, and I am continually humbled by the grace and mercy of our Lord.

One thought on “Journeying Together Through Lent”

  1. Hello Lionel,
    Long time no see or talk to. I enjoyed reading your entry in the latest CBOQ e publication. I fondly think back on my involvement on MacDiv’s boards, under yours and Stan’s leadership. I emailed Rev. Alex Moir, thanking him for his initially referring me.
    I retired from my professorship at Western July 2019, continuing as emeritus, and Research Professor for now.
    Our primary residence now is in Lake Country, B.C. (near Kelowna), where we have extended family. We make it back to our cottage on Lake Huron, near Goderich in the summer — close to Toronto, where our two sons and daughter in law live and work. We continue to support MDC financially, and in prayer (including remembering you, Stan, the students, faculty and staff).

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