5 Missional Things You Can Do in a Pandemic

From the start, in exceptional circumstances the church has been resilient enough to meet the challenges. So what missional activities can we do today while taking our health—and our neighbour’s—seriously?

  1. Be a calm presence in the midst of anxiety when you spend more time than usual on social media
  2. Help a elderly person with video conferencing? Lend someone an item of technology so they can access the internet
  3. Pray for your neighbourhood. As long as you maintain social distancing, now is a good time to go for a walk and pray for your neighbourhood as you do it. Listen to God as you walk. What is he asking you to pray as you walk?
  4. Check on your neighbours. As people worry about items that are lacking on our supermarket shelves, is there anything that you can offer your neighbours?
  5. Dwell in God’s word. Listening to the 24 hour news cycle can led to stress. Take time to receive the affirmation from God’s word so that you can be an encouragement to others.

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