God’s Surprises

By Hannah Fairbanks, Immanuel Baptist Church, Toronto

Ding! A new email arrives in my inbox amongst the many emails about youth ministry, camps, logistics for Sundays, and more. As I read the email from CBOQ, I was surprised that they were asking me to be one of the MC’s for this year’s Assembly. I will admit I have never been an MC and was nervous; but said yes to the opportunity because I knew it would stretch me, would help me grow, and was a way to give back to our CBOQ family. So, I replied with thank you for thinking of me and yes, I’ll do it!

You have arrived at your destination! It’s the big day. As I entered the hotel lobby, I saw people greeting one another with warm smiles and embraces; friends catching up after a year of not seeing one another over coffee. Ministry can be hard so coming to Assembly where you know people understand, are praying for you, and want to hear how God has been at work in your life and ministry is heart-warming and comforting. My favourite part of Assembly is hearing the stories of how God has surprised and shown up in people’s communities and churches, it is inspiring and encouraging. So, I begin to wander and catch up with friends.

Lights, camera, action! I look over my cue cards one last time backstage and realise I am about to go on. I’m nervous but also at peace. I know God is with me and that my audience are my friends, ministry partners, and CBOQ family. So, I take a step of faith that God will show up and guide me. We worship together and celebrate Tim McCoy’s service at CBOQ and his faithfulness in building God’s kingdom. Sam Chaise challenges us, we pray together, and so much more. The evening flies by, an overall success. As I remove my mic, I am grateful for the opportunity to try something new and to be part of something meaningful. God surprised me with MCing Assembly and He just might surprise you with a new opportunity!

Will you say, “Yes, I’ll do it?”