We are looking for a Full time Pastor split between two churches. This pastor will need to prioritize time between both churches in all facets (ie worship, bible study, visitations, etc). Each church requires different needs and this pastor will need to adapt to those needs in working with the church's leadership. Please refer to the below qualifications, and responsibilities for additional information. Any additional conversations can happen should the candidate proceed to an interview.
Overview of Church and Community
Goshen Baptist Church is a rural church at a crossroad that is rich in history, celebrating their 183rd anniversary this year. We are part of the CBOQ (Canadian Baptist of Ontario and Quebec) and Norfolk Association (CBON) This church is a friendly community of faith made up of people who have grown up here and others who have transitioned here and look forward to welcoming new people. Similar to Goshen, Eden is rich with history celebrating their 176th anniversary this year. These churches are approximately 10 mins. apart.
Church Purpose | Mission Statement
Our desire is to be “Growing Deeper, Becoming Stronger, and Reaching Further” through knowing Jesus Christ personally and seeking to become like him in our actions and works.
Qualifications and Education Requirements
- A personal faith and commitment to Jesus Christ.
- Strong leadership skills and ability to inspire, outreach and motivate others.
- Ability to work effectively with people of all ages and backgrounds.
- Biblical knowledge and understanding of Christian doctrine.
- Experience in preaching, teaching, and leading worship for two churches
- Ability to work collaboratively with church boards and volunteers.
- Time management, ability to prioritize tasks and organizations skills to facilitate a two point charge.
- Ability to provide spiritual guidance and counseling to individuals and families through visitations.
Role and Responsibilities
Preaching and Teaching:
- Deliver sermons and messages that are rooted in scripture and relevant to the lives of the congregation in a clear and engaging way.
- Provide teaching and guidance through bible studies, small groups, and educational programs.
- Work with the worship team to prepare weekly services. Example: power point, music with pianist, etc.
- Lead worship services, including communion.
Pastor Care:
- Provide spiritual guidance and counseling to members of the congregation, including visiting the sick, comforting the grieving, and offering support during times of crisis. Example shut-ins, hospitals, etc.
Leadership and Administration:
- Attend Board meetings and sub committees meetings.
- Facilitate outreach, including community events, and other initiatives that promote and build the kingdom of God.
Each two point charge church will have their own needs.
Preferred Skills
- Knowledge of technology and digital tools, including A/V equipment, social media platforms
- Flexibility and adaptability with a willingness to adjust to changing circumstances and needs within the church and community.
- Effective communication with the ability to building relationships across a large diverse age range.
Resume Submission to:
Keith Nigh: nknigh@eastlink.ca & Serena VanDenBrink: - dwaynenserena@gmail.com