Below you will find links to recent issues of the CBOQ Pastors’ Update, news about where your fellow pastors are starting or finishing ministry and information about important upcoming events that are geared towards you and your ministry.
Don’t let these fester inside. Talk to someone! Your benefits include an Employee and Family Assistance Programme. All services are confidential and easily accessible to you and those who live with you. Check out all it has to offer. You can access the service by calling 800-287-4765. Your organization is Canadian Baptist Ministries.
Remember that your benefits through Canada Life also provide you with access to more than just prescriptions and eye care. It includes the registered services of massage therapy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, and counselling among other things.
Here are some resources to provide you with some support and encouragement.
Feel free to contact Ken Foo if you have any questions about these resources.
CBOQ hosts a weekly prayer time for pastors, Tuesdays at 11am. Sign up here and we will send you a weekly reminder:
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Missed an issue? The Pastors’ Update is sent out on the third Thursday of each month. This is our primary means of connecting with you to share relevant information.
If you have any questions about the Pastors’ Update, or if you’re not receiving the Pastors’ Update on a monthly basis, please contact Yevgeniya Bakai, Admin Assistant, Church Life and Leadership.
© 2025 Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec