The Lord’s Doing

By Rev. Will Hawk – Union Baptist Church, Dresden

“All Hands on Deck” was more than just the theme for Assembly 2024, it was a call to action for our family of Churches. Unsurprisingly, the call was extremely effective. Well over 500 attendees responded to the call. Impressive! I was further impressed when I realized the leadership’s intentionality in visually illustrating the call by utilizing more hands to serve during Assembly. I saw more of our brothers and sisters involved during this Assembly than any I have attended. For example, there were several praise and worship teams lifting diverse styles of exaltation, and it was simply an awesome time in the Lord. When I think about it, what I saw and experienced manifested itself, in my spirit, in a peaceful, comforting, and reassuring way.

It seemed evident to me that Assembly was, in many ways, about uniting us more cohesively by focusing primarily on the “Captain” of the ship. Any difficulty regarding maintaining this primacy of focus, which may have been created by our various positions, was eliminated by premeditated acts piety (i.e. all the prayers, the multiple communions, the worship) that consistently ushered in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Our eyes were fixed on the Lord and He was ever present with us. I thought Assembly 2024 was well planned and well executed. Well done to the leadership team. The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. May His blessings continue to be poured into you.

Yours in Christ,
Will Hawk
