By Rev. Melissa Memmott, Glen Acres Baptist Church
As a mom of five, my life sometimes reads like the poem “If You Give a Mom a Muffin” by Beth Brubaker. It describes the life-as-we-know-it day-to-day phase of parenthood! I have often wondered how that would read for us Pastors!
If you give a Pastor a Church… you arrive to the office (after shoveling the snow), then you check the mailbox, the voicemail, fire up the computer, and as you wait for the computer to wake up, you go and put the kettle on for a cup of tea, dreaming about the uninterrupted space for your quiet time with God, and then you hear the knock on the front door with a friend asking if you have any gift cards, and you ask him if you could pray for him, and he mentions he has an uncle in the hospital and you take the time to pray for him, then you return someone’s call who left a message, then after another email later, you remember the kettle you boiled… And that was only the first hour!
My friends, our days are brimming with joy-filled, heart-wrenching, life-giving, utterly terrifying, grace-infused moments! We truly never know what the day holds!
Going into 2025, and new days ahead of us, I am deeply challenged by the way Jesus modelled intimacy with His Father. Before Jesus went from village to village preaching, He spent time with His Father in the early hours of the day. He lived life in closeness to the Father. As followers of Jesus, we need to be close to our Father’s heart, to hear His voice, to do what He has called us to do. But perhaps more importantly, be who He has called us to be: His beloved child–loved and known by Him–needing Him every moment of this “life as we know it”.
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