Full-Time Pastor
Fallingbrook Heights Baptist Church
March 9, 2025
Mailing Address: 2369 Kingston Rd. PO Box 28029, Toronto, Ontario, M1N 1T0, Toronto
Job Type
Permanent Position
Salary Range (optional)
Fallingbrook Heights Baptist Church is pleased to offer a competitive pay and benefits package including pay as per the CBOQ Pastors Compensation Guide, matching pension contributions and health and dental benefits.
Application Deadline


We are seeking a full-time pastor who will help us continue to live out these values—someone who faithfully preaches the Word, leads with humility and wisdom, and fosters deep connections within our church and the broader community.

Overview of Church and Community

For 27 years, Fallingbrook Heights Baptist Church at the Centre has enjoyed gathering in a community centre, embodying a spirit of faith, generosity, and deep community. We are a church that embraces new opportunities with trust in God’s leading, invests in people with our time and resources, and creates a welcoming, intergenerational environment where people feel valued and known.

Church Purpose | Mission Statement

Fallingbrook Heights Baptist, the church at the centre, is a group of people seeking to live by faith. We believe everything comes from God; we are called to be faithful in response and to share. We welcome people to enjoy God’s grace through our community. Regular attendees to prayerfully, proportionally and cheerfully offer back to God their time, talent and financial resources.

Qualifications and Education Requirements

  1. A theological degree from a recognized seminary or college or equivalent experience
  2. Previous leadership experience preferred
  3. Ordained or eligible for ordination with the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec

Role and Responsibilities

Preaching & Teaching

  • Serve as the primary communicator of God’s Word through biblical, engaging, and relevant preaching.
  • Guide the congregation in spiritual growth through teaching, discipleship, and study opportunities.

Leadership & Vision

  • Work alongside the church leadership team to provide direction for the church’s vision.
  • Help us continue to step out in faith, exploring new ways to serve and reach our community.
  • Support and equip ministry leaders, encouraging a culture of teamwork and shared leadership.

Pastoral Care & Community Engagement

  • Foster a welcoming and supportive environment within the church, being present for people in times of joy and struggle.
  • Invest in relationships across generations.
  • Shows young people they matter to God.
  • Engage with the local community in authentic, intentional ways, demonstrating the love of Christ beyond our church walls.

Preferred Skills

Who We’re Looking For:

We believe the right candidate will be someone who:

  • Loves Jesus deeply and leads from a place of personal faith and reliance on Scripture.
  • Values people—investing in relationships, walking alongside others, and creating a culture of belonging.
  • Is a strong communicator who can make Scripture come alive in everyday life.
  • Is open to where God is leading—willing to try new things and encourage the church to grow in faith and action.
  • Has a heart for the community, recognizing that our church exists not only for ourselves but to reflect Christ’s love to our neighbors.


Contact: Pastoral Seach at pastoral_search@churchatthecentre.com

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