Gathering each week for prayer has become an important part of the rhythm of ministry for a number of CBOQ pastors. You are welcome to join here for 30 minutes each Tuesday at 11:00 am.
Join this CBOQ evangelism weekend packed full of workshops, mission, food and fellowship that will inspire your church for the journey ahead. Location: Bromley Road Baptist Church Registration, workshops and meals are free – an offering will be taken on Saturday.
To equip our churches and leaders, CBOQ has four categories of grants for which you can apply: Planting grants, which support churches in planting new churches or re-planting existing ones Revitalization grants, which support churches in developing and communicating their vision Ministry grants, which strengthen churches in launching, scaling up or improving initiatives Internship grants, […]
Reignite is a conference (in-person and virtual) for ministry and church leaders sponsored by the Church Life and Leadership Team. The goal is to stimulate missional and theological thinking about issues that affect ministry and our world. This conference is designed for and open to all ministry leaders: senior, associate, bi-vocational and chaplains. There is […]
Leading women to a new and deeper relationship with God. You’re invited to join Tracey Bagley as she gathers a network of women leaders from across our CBOQ churches for spiritual formation, leadership development, sharing + prayer. Are you a leader in your local church? Do you lead a Bible Study, run a group for […]
Revitalization happens when churches focus on key church health areas. Where is your church in its life cycle? What health indicators does it need work on? Revitalization for Small Churches is a coaching and training opportunity that helps churches revitalize through small church gatherings, webinars and coaching. This three-year journey is designed to allow your small […]
Gathering each week for prayer has become an important part of the rhythm of ministry for a number of CBOQ pastors. You are welcome to join here for 30 minutes each Tuesday at 11:00 am.
Once a year, we ask our churches to take a few moments during their Sunday morning services to share this with their congregations: Your church is part of an amazing family of churches, transformed by Christ, revealing God’s kingdom. Together we are sharing our common faith, caring for our leaders, growing and expanding our church family and […]
New to CBOQ Pastors’ Orientation (NCPO) is a two-part orientation for new and new-to-CBOQ pastors. The first part is given through a virtual learning platform that allows pastors to learn at their own pace in the comfort of their ministry settings. The second part is a two day, in-person retreat. For more information
Leading women to a new and deeper relationship with God. You’re invited to join Tracey Bagley as she gathers a network of women leaders from across our CBOQ churches for spiritual formation, leadership development, sharing + prayer. Are you a leader in your local church? Do you lead a Bible Study, run a group for […]