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Pastors Prayer Time

Gathering each week for prayer has become an important part of the rhythm of ministry for a number of CBOQ pastors. You are welcome to join here  for 30 minutes each Tuesday at 11:00 am.

Sisters in Strength

Leading women to a new and deeper relationship with God. You’re invited to join Tracey Bagley as she gathers a network of women leaders from across our CBOQ churches for spiritual formation, leadership development, sharing + prayer. Are you a leader in your local church? Do you lead a Bible Study, run a group for […]

Pastors Prayer Time

Gathering each week for prayer has become an important part of the rhythm of ministry for a number of CBOQ pastors. You are welcome to join here  for 30 minutes each Tuesday at 11:00 am.

Sisters in Strength

Leading women to a new and deeper relationship with God. You’re invited to join Tracey Bagley as she gathers a network of women leaders from across our CBOQ churches for spiritual formation, leadership development, sharing + prayer. Are you a leader in your local church? Do you lead a Bible Study, run a group for […]

Emotionally Healthy Women

Jan 31 | Feb 14 | Feb 28 | Mar 13 | Mar 27 | Apr 10 | Apr 24 | May 8  10:00 am - 12:00 pm Registration has now closed.