Assembly 2024 Highlights From the President’s Perspective

By Evelin Wharram, President of CBOQ 2023-2024

With a heart filled with hope and gratitude, I have been reflecting on Assembly 2024 where all hands were on deck, gathered, to be together, to worship together, to pray for one another, to make decisions together and to celebrate the Gospel of Jesus that binds us together as a family of churches.

God is at work! And He is calling each one of us to join Him at His work to share the great news of His redeeming love and to further His Kingdom, for His glory and for the good of all the people. At Assembly we celebrated and worshipped God and all that He is doing among the 300 churches of CBOQ, around Ontario and Quebec. We heard stories and saw evidence of God at work in churches, individuals, families and entire communities. It was a joy and an encouragement to be a part this reunion of our Baptist family.

Although we had some challenging conversations during the Question-and-Answer period and the Annual General meeting, I must tell of the warmth, encouragement and love that I, as President, experienced at Assembly 2024. From individuals who I had not met before, to those who were attending Assembly for the first time, to those who have been attending Assembly for decades, I felt supported, encouraged and deeply cared for.

I have heard several sermons preached on the importance of community within the church. But I have never experienced community in quite this way or to this extent. And my heart is overflowing with love and gratitude to God for the gift of His church and the gift of this CBOQ family. As I look forward to Assembly 2025, my prayer is that this feeling of love and connectedness would grow ever stronger among our family of churches. And may we continue on equipped and anointed to engage in our mission from God in our community, transformed by Christ, revealing God’s Kingdom to a world in need.
