Mother’s Day Reflections

Ode To Mom:
By Sarah Pylyp

The one who brings the light when the world seems so dim

The one who makes us laugh with a smile and a grin

The one who teaches, encourages and listens

Seems to make our whole world glisten

You’re so gentle with your words and care

Your heart is full of gold

And when you hold me in your arms

I know nothing can bring me harm

Your wisdom is beyond compare

That makes me want to declare

That you’re my mom through and through

I love you beyond compare.

Late-Night Laughter and Life Lessons by Elizabeth Pylyp

Mothers and maternal figures play an important role in our lives, and my mom is no exception. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to learn and appreciate how much effort my mom has put in to raise my sisters and me. She truly embodies the qualities of a teacher, patiently guiding my sisters and me through life’s lessons with kindness and love. Whether I’m dealing with hardship, celebrating a big success, or experiencing everything in between, her love is a constant presence that I can rely on.

When I was a child, I struggled with sleep and would have nightmares. My mom would patiently lay with me, singing different songs as I drifted off to sleep. In her arms, I knew that I was safe and that she would keep the monsters away. As I’ve gotten older, the monsters may have changed, but I know that I can still rely on her to keep me safe.

Some of my fondest memories are the times we’ve spent working on puzzles together. We have spent countless hours working on puzzles and drinking tea. These puzzle sessions usually go late into the night and are filled with constant laughter. We may wake up tired in the morning, but knowing that she wants to spend time with me is something that I’ll always cherish. While I haven’t always been the best child, my mom has always done her best for me. I am truly grateful that I have been blessed with such an incredible mom.

Rides and Hugs: A Tribute to My Supportive Mom by Ada Gregory

My mom is a wonderful listener. She listens patiently to worries and troubles, to interesting facts or jokes, and to my opinion on plans or school subjects. And, when need be, my mom acts on what she’s heard, urging me to get stuff done or reminding me when I’ve forgotten a task.

She’s given me so many rides over the years: home from the subway or GO bus, to my grandparents’ house, or to meet up with friends. When I was younger, my mom was endlessly supportive of my activities. From dance class to piano lessons to drama club, she picked me up, dropped me off, and attended every performance with hugs and smiles afterward.

And then there are the many little pieces of my mother that make her both unique and specifically MY mom: she has a certain short melody she hums when doing chores, her favourite sweets are liquorice allsorts and Ferrero Rocher, she tends toward cardigans as her sweater of choice, and she especially enjoys fizzy water.

I’m glad to have my mom, and I wouldn’t trade her for any other.
