Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec are a family of churches, transformed by Christ, revealing God’s kingdom. We are a vibrant community, rooted—but not stuck—in our history. We are diverse in our expressions, meeting in high school gyms, centuries-old buildings, homes and coffee shops. We share common Baptist distinctives, but each of our churches has a unique character and calling.
We recognize updating to our new logo may be more involved for your church. If your church uses our logo on your church sign or in some other manner that may be costly to update, please contact Koon Wah Leung for more information.
The cross is central to who we are as followers of Jesus and who we are as Baptists. Foundational to our faith is our redemption by Christ through his suffering and resurrection.
The ichthus, or fish, has long been associated with CBOQ. We are fishers of men and women—missional people, responding to the Great Commission in sharing the Good News of Jesus with our neighbours and around the world.
The circle is eternal. We worship a God who was, is and is to come. We believe that his kingdom is without end and through him we have eternal life as well.
Blue represents water. We are Baptists, and as such the Believers’ Baptism remains key to our commitment of faith. It is our public declaration of belonging to Jesus.
While it may be hard to see at first, our logo is made up of the letters C, B, O and Q.
© 2025 Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec