CBOQ Assembly From Youth Delegate’s Perspective

By Alice Osei – Lisle Memorial Baptist Church

Hello! My name is Alice Osei, and i had the privilege of attending the CBOQ Assembly for the first time this year as a delegate representing my church Lisle Memorial Baptist. It was an enriching and eye-opening experience that I am excited to share with all of you.

The decision to become a delegate for our church was driven by my desire to represent our congregation and contribute to shaping the future of my church community. I saw this as a unique opportunity to engage with other church leaders, learn from their experiences, and bring back valuable insights to help us grow, and strengthen our community. I believe that being involved in such gatherings is crucial for understanding the broader scope of our faith and the impact we can have collectively.

While I was eager to take on this role, I must admit that I had some initial apprehensions about my preparedness. Thankfully, the support I received from our church and the preparatory materials provided by CBOQ were incredibly helpful.

One of the most memorable moments of the Assembly was engaging in a vibrant discussion on community outreach. It was inspiring to hear different perspectives and ideas from delegates across various churches. This reaffirmed the importance of our collective mission to serve and uplift our communities, and I left the discussion with a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.

My experience at the CBOQ Assembly was incredibly positive and enriching. I would highly encourage other young adults in our church to consider stepping up as delegates in the future. It’s a wonderful chance to grow, learn, and make a difference. As I reflect on this experience, I am grateful for the opportunity to represent Lisle Memorial Baptist Church and look forward to bringing back and sharing the insights and inspiration I gained.
