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Character and Characteristics of Church Planting Today
April 13-18, 2023 7 – 9 pm
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Six evening classes to equip you for church planting where God has called you to be.

Major Themes of the Course: 

  • Theology of café church 
  • The connection between church coffee shop and community, 
  • How to run a café church. 
  • Evangelism distance, understanding culture & the Engel Scale. 
  • Mapping your Neighbourhood. 
  • Spiritual warfare 
  • Taking the temperature of your community. 
  • Church planting timeline. 
  • Characteristics of a church planter and the church planting team 
  • Church planting models Course Learning Objectives: 
  • Students will be able to define what a cafe church is, the transferable principles that can be used to start a new church and why this is important in a Western context. 
  • This course will enable students to develop their own practice of analysing communities and their needs 
  • Students will be able to describe the main traits of a church planter 
  • Students will be able to recognize the impact of spiritual warfare on the church planting task and be aware of different approaches towards a solution. 
  • Students will understand what it means to be ‘missional’ and how this differs from ‘attractional’ mission 
  • Students will be able to appreciate a biblical foundation for mission, including understanding terms like ‘missio Dei’ its significance for all church planting endeavours. 
  • Students will be able to distinguish between different church planting and evangelism models and evaluate them. 

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