Lynde Creek Village

Lynde Creek Village Expansion

Architectural Rendering of Lynde Creek Village Expansion Project
Architectural Rendering of Lynde Creek Village Expansion Project

Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec are pleased to announce the next phase of development at Lynde Creek Village. The CBOQ Board, in partnership with the BCOQ Foundation and the Housing Corporation, have mutually agreed to move forward with expansion of the Lynde Creek Manor to accommodate 63 more units. With all financing approval documents in hand, the Housing Corporation, along with the BCOQ Foundation as owner, hope to break ground in early March. “We are very excited about seeing this project move forward with the hopes and prayers that it will bless the current and new residents, the Lynde Creek community and CBOQ,” said CBOQ President Heather Rumble Peterson.

Lynde Creek Village is located on 21 acres in Whitby, Ontario. Sixteen acres of land was donated to CBOQ by the late Len Cullen in 1982. In 1984 the Baptist Leadership Education Center (BLEC) was constructed on the property. A further five acres was donated by Mr. Cullen in the 1990s, designated for seniors’ housing. In the 1990s CBOQ Council appointed a volunteer group to research the development of a retirement community on the site. The volunteer group was formalized in 1994 under the corporate name, The Corporation of Convention Baptist Non-Profit Residences of Ontario and Quebec (Housing Corporation).

Signing Lynde Creek Expansion Project Agreement
Signing the Lynde Creek Expansion Agreement
Back Row (left to right): Michel Belzile, CBOQ 2nd Vice-President; Bob Jameison, Housing Corporation Board Member; Roger Smith, Housing Corporation Member; Front Row (left to right): Don Hallman, BCOQ Foundation President, Heather Rumble Peterson, CBOQ President
The property now features an enclave of 113 attached bungalows and a retirement residence. “It is a beautiful site and residents of the bungalows have won several gardening awards,” noted Roger Smith, a Housing Corporation board member. After it closed in 2002, the BLEC building was converted into a retirement residence (the Manor) with 37 units. The next phase of construction will increase the Manor capacity to 100 rooms. There is also a vacant parcel of land reserved for a future apartment building. When the entire project is finished, accommodation will be available for over 400 seniors and others at Lynde Creek Village. As a CBOQ initiative, one of Lynde Creek Village’s founding purposes is to provide sustained income from its development to help maintain and extend the work of CBOQ.

5 thoughts on “Lynde Creek Village Expansion”

  1. Exciting news. Not only the residents will be blessed and ministered to, I hope their children and grandchildren will be invited to know the Lord through this ministry.

  2. Thanks to this incredible team of leaders for their dedication to this project. This project will have a wonderful positive impact upon our denomination as a whole in the years to come.

    1. Since its inception, the Lynde Creek Village community has sought to bring faith and joy to those residing there. The additional hope of financial support back to the CBOQ has not yet been realized, but we are confident that God is working and that through this expansion project we’ll step closer to the exponential blessings of this generous gift. Thank you for praying with us for this new venture.

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