Pines Chapel, Chatham

Chatham’s New Hub

Pines Chapel, ChathamPines Chapel in Chatham, Ontario, is an architectural marvel. Designed in 1961 by Joseph Storey for the Ursuline Sisters, this modernist chapel features a crown-like appearance and a stunning circular interior. After the Ursuline sisters gave up the building, it lay in disrepair for years until being acquired for $1 by Joshua Ministries, a church planting initiative led by CBOQ pastor Larry Forsyth and his wife Lorraine.

Last year, the Forsyths and a group of dedicated volunteers restored the rotunda-style sanctuary, garnering the Mayor’s Heritage Preservation Award for their work.

The Hub CaféThis past week, they opened a coffee shop called the Hub Café in the basement. Situated in a high foot-traffic location, the Hub is poised to be a natural meeting space for the immediate community. In addition to daily visitors, the Hub Café creates many opportunities to connect with neighbours such as local musicians who have volunteered to perform at the Café, Ursuline College students who can fulfill co-op placements as Café staff, and seniors from the adjacent Caleb Village Retirement Residence.

In time, the Forsyths hope to form a church community at Pines Chapel, in response to the gathering work of the Holy Spirit, who longs to fill the hopes and needs of those already coming through the doors.


3 thoughts on “Chatham’s New Hub”

  1. I appreciated the one who welcomes salvation of Christ in this building. In this world, many people will get lost and blindness because they forget Christ with their hearts. I believe that this building will be filled with the Holy Spirit and God will bring more mercy to give more influences to those who run away from Him and restore them again to share fellowship with Christ.
    Thanks, Peace in Christ
    Riek Tut Bangoang
    From: Alberta

  2. Thank you for your words of encouragement Riek. The HUB Cafe’ has been open for a few weeks now and we are blessed beyond belief in the ministry opportunities that unfold daily. I believe God has great work that will be accomplished here for his glory.

    Blessings to you.

    Pastor Larry Forsyth

  3. I am the person, that was so interested in that it was sold to Joshua Ministries, for the low price of $1!!!

    I was really impressed by your presentation and message at the Senior’s Golden Heirs in Essex on 11.7/13. What a beautiful facility this must be and to know it is not only a plain facility but instead, one that magnifies all that God wishes, for all who enter.

    I am looking forward to possibly seeing this with a group of friends, during the last week of November. Is that possible to take a tour through your facility?

    What is preferred. Please know that this visit is tentative at the moment.

    Thank you again for knowing such a great ministry that you arn your wife are doing!


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